
Dallas, Texas


Service Type:New Construction Waterproofing

Scope:Hot fluid-applied rubberized asphalt waterproofing, sheet waterproofing, pre-applied sheet waterproofing, blindside waterproofing and joint sealants


The new eight-story Rolex Building serves as an additional office for the Swiss watchmaker in Dallas, Texas, adjacent to the existing office built for the brand in 1984. The original building was the first office development in the 18-city, block master-planned Harwood district. The new Rolex Building is the ninth, symbolizing a commitment to a sustainable, progressive future that will help build an improved Dallas skyline. Chamberlin was honored to receive the ENR Texas and Louisiana Best Project Merit Award for their work on the Rolex. 

Category:Office / Commercial

Owner:Phase VII Development at International Center, LP

Architect:Harwood Design Factory, LLC

General Contractor:Sphinx Construction Group, LLC

Contract Amount:$600,000

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