Chamberlin - Articles

Health Boosters

Written by Admin | Jul 23, 2020 7:07:54 PM

Although resolutions stem from the best intentions and motivation is initially strong, making big health changes have the tendency to regress quickly. Rather than lining out one big wellness goal, making small changes can lead to the overall improvements you strive for. Try taking a few minutes each day to add these quick and simple health boosters that can actually add years to your overall lifespan.

Stand Up

Short and frequent standing breaks result in easy bodyweight benefits. The sit-to-stand transition, requiring larger energy expenditure and muscle activity, actually burns even more calories. So actively switch it up throughout the day!

Ditch Artificial Sweeteners

Although media pushes low-carb and zero-calorie artificial sweeteners, these synthetic sugar alternatives can have several negative side effects including increased BMI weight, possible type 2 diabetes, headaches and mood disorders. Ditch the popular Equal, Splenda, and Sweet'N Low for natural sweeteners like stevia, raw honey and coconut sugar.

Choose Engagement

When we turn to technology (especially our smartphones) over human interaction, our friendships, relationships and overall happiness are negatively impacted. Make a conscious effort to take a break from texting and social media to engage with those around you, they will be more fun than your phone screen.

No Technology Right Before Bed

Exposing yourself to artificial blue light sends false messages to your brain that you are out in daytime sun. So sitting in a dark room watching tv or behind a computer/phone screen confuses your brain about when to produce melatonin and create an internal sleep clock. Rather, try some light reading or listening to relaxing music.

Go Outside

Spending time outside, even for a few minutes after lunch, will help to increase energy levels and stay clear of the winter blues.

Do a Down Dog

One of yoga’s most popular poses, it serves as a resting, strengthening, and inversion pose. Performing a downward-facing dog daily helps to reduce headaches, back pain, anxiety, and increase circulation.

Go For Organic

According to researchers, eating a higher majority of organic foods can lower our risk of cancer by 25%. Going organic for the Dirty Dozen foods can make a huge difference!

Taylor Combes, B.S. Health Education/Exercise Science
Wellness Associate at alliantgroup

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