Chamberlin - Articles

Chamberlin moves on to AGC CSEA National competition - 01-07-2013

Written by Admin | Jan 1, 2010 6:00:00 AM

Chamberlin recently received the great news of moving on to the National competition for the AGC Construction Safety and Excellence Awards (CSEA). Chamberlin won in the category, Specialty Division – Over 1 Million work hours, for the North and East Texas chapter TEXO. The purpose of the CSEA is to recognize construction companies who excel at safety performance. The judges closely examine each candidate's commitment to safety and occupational health management and risk control, as well as evidence of active employee participation, safety training, work site hazard identification and control, and safety program innovation. Chamberlin will be giving an oral presentation at the national competition and the winners will be announced at the Willis Safety Awards Breakfast during the AGC Annual Convention in Palm Springs, CA.